2018年的7月我永遠都不會忘記,我的高中好友Dave Neufeglise給我發了一封郵件。他被診斷出患有漸凍症(ALS),然後他為三個年幼的女兒寫了一首詩,講述了他希望告訴她們的那些最重要的事。我自己也有三個年幼的孩子,所以這首詩直擊我心,而能把它譜成音樂(Dave喜歡鄉村音樂,所以我用了一點鄉村音樂的演唱風格)是我莫大的榮幸,同樣也是一次很有意義的旅程。在這個過程中,我無數次在錄音室裡淚流滿面,想像著Dave詩中所描繪出的那一個接一個的畫面。它們是轉瞬即逝的生命的瞬間,在當時可能顯得平淡無奇,然而,當放在歌曲的背景下,深藏在這首歌中的父愛顯露無疑,也讓人感同身受。父親對女兒的愛是獨一無二的。真正發自內心的歌曲也是如此。
-Wang Leehom #neufstrong
想要了解更多關於ALS和Dave的故事,或者想為ALS的研究而捐款的朋友,請訪問: https://ise.als.net/neufstrong
My high school buddy Dave Neufeglise reached out to me back in July 2018 with an e-mail that I’ll never forget. He’d been diagnosed with ALS, and had written a poem for his three young daughters, about some of the most important things he wanted them to know. Having three young children of my own, this poem went straight to my heart, and setting it to music (Dave likes country music, so I used a bit of a Nashville singing style) has been a great honor and a meaningful journey. Countless times during the process, I teared up in the studio, imagining those iconic images, one after another, that Dave writes about. They are fleeting rites of passage that might seem mundane at the time, yet when placed in the context of the song, the fatherly love embedded inside each is revealed and felt. A father’s love for his daughter is like nothing else in the world. The same goes for a song that truly comes from the heart. - Wang Leehom #neufstrong
To learn more about ALS, Dave’s story, or to make a contribution to support ALS research please visit - https://fundraise.als.net/neufstrong